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- REV 1.0
- Copyright 1989 by Darren M. Greenwald
- All rights reserved
- User's documentation
- Last revised 5/5/89
- QED may be freely distributed. It may not be distributed in any
- commercial product, shareware product, or commercial publication without
- permission. It is permissible to release QED as part of a public domain
- collection, or on a telecommunication service as long as no "special
- charge" is made for this program; "special charge" does not include
- "reasonable" charges for replication of the media, or standard charges for
- use of the system.
- The intent of the above should be clear - I did the work, and while
- you are allowed to freely distribute the program, you may not profit from
- it.
- Any archived files which the author distributes MUST be left intact.
- If you do distribute this program, I insist that you distribute all the
- files including any notices.
- QED is SHAREWARE - the registration fee is $20, and in return you will
- receive complete documentation describing QED's command line language,
- ARexx interfacing, keyboard mapping, etc.
- Darren M. Greenwald
- 2511 W. Sunflower Av. #D-16
- Santa Ana, CA 92704
- GEnie E-MAIL address: DMG
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- In no way can the author be held responsible for any damages, loss of
- anticipated profits, or any other perceived loss related to using this
- program. The user assumes the entire risk, and responsibility when using
- this program.
- Section 1.0 STARTING QED
- =====================================================================
- It is assumed the user knows how to install QED on their system, or
- working disk. QED is a stand alone program, and is easily copied to any
- destination directory; no special support libraries, or files are required.
- By default, QED opens a single, unnamed text editing window upon
- start up. You may begin entering text immediately if you like, or open an
- existing file for editing. ARexx owners have the option of creating a
- start up macro which will be automatically executed when QED is started.
- All of QED's options, and capabilities can be accessed using the macro
- capability, so this is an excellent way to create a configuration file to
- set the various options up the way that you want. Only registered users
- will receive documentation describing QED's built in command language, and
- how to write ARexx macros for use with QED.
- Section 2.0 QED REQUESTERS
- =====================================================================
- At times QED will ask for a response from you in the form of a
- requester. All QED requesters are opened in draggable windows, and the
- position of all requesters is remembered for the duration of the editing
- session. Therefore you can place the requester windows where you want
- them, and they will be opened in the same position where you last left
- them. The size of all requesters are adjusted (width & height) to use your
- system font.
- The File Requester -
- ------------------
- Amiga users should be relatively familiar with file requesters,
- however it is worth noting the following:
- The QED file requester does not make you wait for the directory to be
- read before you can enter a file name, or change directories.
- The string gadget labeled "File:" is automatically activated, so it is
- possible in some cases to enter a file name from the keyboard, and
- press the RETURN key without ever touching the mouse.
- This file requester dynamically allocates, and deallocates memory as
- needed for the directories; there is no built-in limit on the number
- of directory entries that this requester can handle.
- A gadget labeled "TOGGLE:" allows you to toggle between a list of
- devices in your system, and the directory list. There is no built-in
- limit on the number of devices which this requester can handle, and
- device names of up to 31 characters in length do not present a problem
- as they do with some requesters.
- Input requesters -
- ----------------
- Input requesters expect you to respond by typing in a number, or a
- string of text. Input requesters automatically activate the string
- gadgets so often it is possible to respond by entering the
- number or string(s), and pressing the RETURN key. Of course you can
- also respond using the mouse to select OK, or CANCEL. If none of the
- string gadgets are activated, you can respond with the 'o' or 'c' keys
- on the keyboard.
- Notices & Queries -
- -----------------
- Notices can only be responded to with an "OK" response, while queries
- allow you to respond with an "OK" or "CANCEL" response. If you
- prefer, you can also respond to these requesters using the 'o' or 'c'
- keys on the keyboard
- Section 3.0 OPENING FILES
- =====================================================================
- QED allows you to OPEN, or INSERT existing files. The difference is
- that opening a file replaces the text editing buffer, while inserting a
- file 'inserts' the file below the cursor position. When opening a file,
- you will be prompted with a requester if you have made any changes to the
- text buffer being replaced.
- It is also possible to specify one, or more file names to be
- automatically opened in separate text editing windows when starting QED
- such as:
- 1> run qed hello.c read_me "df0:my file"
- In the above example, QED will attempt to open the files named
- "hello.c", "read_me", and "df0:my file" in separate text editing windows.
- If any of the above files are not found, then QED assumes you want to
- create a file of the same name, and opens an empty text editing window.
- QED is not suitable for use as a binary file editor because some
- binary characters are stripped, and converted to other characters when
- opening, or inserting a file.
- Binary value Action taken
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 11-255 Valid characters. No stripping or conversion.
- 10 Linefeed - treated as an end of line character.
- 9 Tab - converted to spaces based upon the tab size
- setting for the window in which the file is opened.
- The default tab size is eight (8), but can be set to
- a unique value for each window from 1-20. When a tab
- is found in a file, enough spaces are added to move
- the cursor to the next tab position.
- 1-8 Valid characters. No stripping or conversion.
- 0 Stripped at load time.
- Selecting "OPEN", or "INSERT" file under the "Project" will result in the
- file requester being displayed.
- Section 4.0 SAVING FILES
- =====================================================================
- QED allows you to save the entire text editing buffer, or a marked
- block of text using the "SAVE AS" option under the "Project" menu. The
- "SAVE AS" option causes the file requester to be displayed. Named files
- can be quickly saved (if any changes have been made to the file) using the
- "SAVE" option under the "Project" menu.
- In order to save a marked block of text, highlight the block (see the
- section described later on how to mark blocks of text), and simply select
- "SAVE AS". When mark block mode is on, it is implied that you want to save
- just the marked block of text. When mark block mode is off, it is implied
- that you want to save the entire text editing buffer to a file.
- You have the option of creating a backup file under the "Options"
- menu. When turned on, QED will rename any file which is going to be
- over-written as 'qed.backup' before saving the file. This allows you an
- opportunity to recover the over-written file should you over-write a file
- by mistake.
- You also have the option of saving text to a file in append mode under
- the "Options" menu. This capability is often handy when you want to save
- multiple blocks of text to a single file. When this option is turned on,
- all text written to a file will be appended to the end of the file. If the
- file does not exist, it will be created.
- =====================================================================
- QED supports multiple text editing buffers in the form of an unlimited
- number of text editing windows. This is advantageous because you can see
- what each buffer holds, and edit any buffer. There is no built-in limit
- on the number of windows which can be opened other then that which the
- operating system can handle, and memory limitations. There is also no
- significant performance penalty for opening multiple windows other then
- that which is typical of the operating system when managing multiple
- windows on the Workbench screen.
- In order to open a new window, select "NEW" under the "Project" menu.
- Note that the pull-down menus are accessable, and shared by all text
- editing windows. It is also important to note that menu selections affect
- the window from which the menu item was selected. For example, selecting
- "QUIT" from a window causes only that window to be closed. When the last
- window is closed, QED is automatically terminated.
- The general layout of a QED text editing window is depicted by the
- diagram below:
- ------ File name ------- Line/Column cursor position
- | |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | QED - Untitled L: 1 C: 20 | | |- Front/Back
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | |_|- Top of file
- | |_|- Page up
- | |
- | |
- | Text editing |
- | work area |
- | |
- | |
- | _|
- | |_|-Page down
- | |_|-End of file
- | | |-Window size
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- You can define the default window size that QED will use to open a
- window upon startup, as well as any NEW windows opened via the pull-down
- menus. This capability requires the use of the SETENV function provided as
- part of the 1.3 operating system.
- In order to use this function, assign ENV: to the RAM: disk, and
- use the SETENV command such as -
- 1>setenv qedsize "0 20 300 100"
- Where the four parameters are left edge, top edge, width, and height in
- pixels. If you enter any erroneous arguments, the window is opened to the
- full size of the WB screen a few pixels below the title bar. Ideally you
- would make the assignment of the environment variable "qedsize" as part of
- your startup-sequence.
- Section 6.0 WINDOW OPTIONS
- =====================================================================
- Each text editing window has its own private text editing buffer, and
- private characteristics including:
- Under the "Tools" menu
- ----------------------
- Pen and paper colors -
- Pen, and paper colors can be toggled between 4 preset color
- combinations by selecting "COLOR" under the "Tools" menu. These
- color combinations have been selected to also work properly using a
- one bit-plane Workbench screen such as is possible using the
- 1008x800 monitor.
- From the command line mode it is also possible to set a specific
- preset color combination, or any pen/paper color combination of your
- choice. Pen/Paper colors can be set from 0-255 should newer Amigas
- offer more on-screen colors.
- Tab size -
- The tab size can be set individually from 1-20 for each window
- under the "Tools" menu, but by default is set to the proper value of
- eight (8).
- Right margin -
- The right margin can be set individually for each window under
- the "Tools" menu. The right margin setting is used by the formatter,
- and word-wrap routine. By default, the right margin is set to 75, but
- can be set to any value from 8-10000.
- As an alternative, you can set the right margin to a value of one
- (1) in which case the right margin is variable based on window, and
- font width. In this case the right margin is equivalent to the
- maximum number of columns visible in the window.
- Show end of lines -
- Selecting "SHOW EOLS" under the "Tools" menu toggles visible
- end of line characters on/off.
- Under the "Options" menu
- ------------------------
- Overstrike mode -
- QED allows you to enter text in insert, or overstrike mode.
- Word wrap -
- QED will perform "simple" word-wrap when text is entered past the
- right margin. This feature should not be confused with the more
- complex real-time paragraph reformatters typical of many word-
- processors.
- Case sensitive search mode -
- QED allows you to search for text in case, or non-case sensitive
- search modes. When case sensitive mode is turned off, the alpha
- characters (a-z and A-Z) are treated as equivalent.
- For example, you could enter "cat" as a search string, and
- "cat", "CAT", "Cat", etc., would all be found when searching for
- text, and/or when searching & replacing text.
- Append saves -
- This option allows you to save text to a file in append mode in
- which case any text written to an existing file will be appended to
- the end of the file. This capability is often useful when marking
- multiple blocks of text to be saved to single a file.
- Backup files -
- This option will cause any file which is going to be over-written
- by a save operation to be renamed as "qed.backup" before saving the
- file. This allows you an opportunity to recover a file which is
- inadvertently replaced by a save operation.
- Mark line mode -
- When this option is turned on, you can only mark whole lines
- of text to be cut, copied, saved, erased, formatted, replaced,
- and printed. The block, and project insert functions are also
- affected. When this options is turned on, a block of text which is
- inserted from the clipboard, or a file will be inserted as a group of
- lines above the cursor position. This mode will most likely be
- preferred by those working with line oriented text (e.g., programmers).
- When this option is turned off, you can mark a block of text
- from any line/column position to any line/column position. The block,
- and project insert functions are also affected. When this option is
- turned off, a block of text which is inserted from the clipboard, or a
- file will be inserted at the cursor position. This mode will most
- likely be preferred by those working with document oriented text.
- Free form editing -
- This option affects the cursor's behavior. When turned on, the
- cursor can be positioned past the end of line allowing you to enter
- text beyond the end of a line in which case spaces are automatically
- inserted as needed. This mode will most likely be preferred by those
- working with line oriented text (e.g., programmers).
- When turned off, the cursor cannot be moved past the end of line.
- The right cursor key is also affected; if you cursor right past the
- end of a line, the cursor is wrapped to the first character of the
- next line. This mode will most likely be preferred by those working
- with document oriented text.
- Insert tabs -
- This option affects how the TAB key behaves. When turned off,
- the tab key moves the cursor to the next tab stop. When turned on,
- enough spaces are inserted at the cursor position to move the cursor
- to the next tab stop. When free form editing is turned off, and this
- option is turned off, spaces may still be appended to the end of a
- line if needed.
- When opening a new window, these characterstics are inherited from the
- window from which the "NEW" command was issued. It is also possible to
- write macros which are automatically executed when a file is opened. This
- capability is extremely useful for automatically adjusting the various
- window options listed above to suit the type of file you are working on.
- For example, you might load a "C" source code file in one window, and have
- a macro which automatically sets your tab size to three (3), turns mark
- line mode on, turns free-form editing on, etc.
- In another window you might then load a document file, and have a macro
- which automatically sets your tab size to five (5), turns mark line mode
- off, turns free-form editing off, etc.
- =====================================================================
- Like most text editors, QED allows you to insert, or over-strike text
- at the cursor position. Perhaps the easiest way to position the cursor is
- with the mouse using the "point & click" method. Of course the keyboard
- can be used to position the cursor using the cursor keys.
- Text scrolling is allowed in all directions, and can be accomplished
- via the cursor keys, or mouse using the "point & drag" method.
- It is also possible to go to a specific line number (see the "Cursor"
- menu), or mark & go to a spot. Command line mode users have many more
- cursor positioning tools available such as the ability to go to a specific
- line, and column position.
- Cursor key | Result
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |
- Up | Move the cursor up a single line.
- |
- Down | Move the cursor down a single line.
- |
- Left | Move the cursor left a single character. If the cursor is
- | at the beginning of a line, the cursor is wrapped up to the
- | end of the previous line.
- |
- Right | Move the cursor right a single character.
- |
- SHIFTED | Move the cursor up a single window page.
- Up |
- |
- SHIFTED | Move the cursor down a single window page.
- Down |
- |
- SHIFTED | Move the cursor to the previous word.
- Left |
- |
- SHIFTED | Move the cursor to the next word.
- Right |
- |
- ALT | Move the cursor to the first line in the text editing
- Up | buffer.
- |
- ALT | Move the cursor to the last line in the text editing buffer.
- Down |
- |
- ALT | Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
- Left |
- |
- ALT | Move the cursor to the end of the line.
- Right |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- =====================================================================
- Keypress | Result
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |
- RETURN | Splits the line at the cursor position. If the cursor
- | is positioned beyond the end of the line, a new line is
- | inserted.
- |
- ENTER | Inserts a new line with auto-indent.
- |
- DELETE | Deletes the character under the cursor.
- |
- BACKSPACE | Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. If the
- | cursor is on the beginning of a line, the BACKSPACE key
- | can be used to join the line with the previous line by
- | effectively deleting the previous end-of-line character.
- |
- TAB | Moves the cursor to the next tab stop. The tab size by
- | default is set to the proper tab value of 8, but can be
- | set individually for each window. You also have the option
- | under the "Options" menu of having the tab key insert a
- | sufficient number of spaces at the cursor position to move
- | the cursor to the next tab stop.
- |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section 9.0 DELETING TEXT
- =====================================================================
- At times you may want to delete larger pieces of text then is
- practical using the BACKSPACE, and DELETE keys described above. QED
- provides a number of tools for deleting text listed under the "Edit" menu.
- Delete line -
- The entire line on which the cursor resides is deleted.
- Delete to end of line -
- Deletes all text from the cursor position to the end of the line.
- Delete word -
- Deletes the word on which the cursor resides.
- Undelete -
- Text which has been deleted using any of the above 3 functions is
- copied to a 256 byte private backup buffer (one buffer per editing
- window). The last bit of deleted text (line, word, or end of line)
- can be restored using the undelete command.
- QED will allow you to work with lines longer then 256 characters,
- however to insure that you have an opportunity to undelete text, the
- delete tools listed above will not work if the amount of text to be
- deleted exceeds 256 characters. In this case use the block cut, or
- erase commands.
- =====================================================================
- QED allows you to mark a block of text to be cut, or copied to a
- clipboard area which is used by all the text editing windows. In addition,
- many of the QED commands can be restricted to a marked block of text (e.g.,
- Mark block mode can be toggled on/off from the pull-down menus under
- the "Edit" menu, or can be toggled on/off by "double-clicking" the left
- mouse button over the same row/column position.
- Mark block mode is transparent; you can continue to edit text like
- usual, and the pull-down menus are always accessable. In order to mark a
- block of text, simply toggle mark block mode on, and use the cursor keys,
- or mouse to highlight a range of text.
- As indicated above, you have the option under the "Options" menu of
- toggling between line mark mode (always marks whole lines), or free mark
- mode (allows you to mark from/to any row/column position).
- Both the CUT, and COPY block tools under the "Edit" menu copy
- the marked block of text to the clipboard, however CUT block also deletes
- the text.
- In some cases you may want to cut a block of text, but you don't
- want it copied to the clipboard. In this case use the ERASE tool under the
- "Project" menu. ERASE will erase all text in a text editing window, and
- free any up any memory that it can, however if mark block mode is on, the
- ERASE function will only erase the marked block. In either case you will
- be prompted with a requester because any erased text cannot be restored.
- INSERT block under the "Edit" menu inserts whatever is in the clipboard
- at the cursor position. If the block of text in the clipboard was
- cut/copied when MARK LINE MODE is on, then it will be inserted as a group
- of lines above the cursor position. If the block of text in the clipboard
- was cut/copied when MARK LINE MODE is off, then it will be inserted at the
- cursor position.
- Section 11.0 SEARCH & REPLACE
- =====================================================================
- The SEARCH, REPLACE, and HUNT tools under the "Tools" menu allow you
- to search for a phrase, replace a phrase, and quickly repeat the last
- search and/or replace operation.
- As indicated above, QED supports both case, and non-case sensitive
- search modes, and can be optionally set for each text editing window.
- Both SEARCH, and REPLACE will prompt you for strings using a
- requester. Both commands will search forward from the cursor position for
- a matching search string, and position the cursor on the first occurrance
- of the search string if a match was found.
- When using the REPLACE command, you will also be prompted with a
- message in the title bar of the window such as:
- Replace? (Y)es (N)o (G)lobal (M)arked (Q)uit
- You may respond using the upper, or lower case keys on the keyboard
- where (?) causes the following action to be taken:
- (Y)es - Yes, replace the string with the search string, and
- continue searching.
- (N)o - No, don't replace the string, and continue searching.
- (G)lobal - Replace all occurrences of the search string forward from
- the cursor position.
- (M)arked - Replace all occurrences of the search string found within
- a marked block. In order to use this option, you must
- first mark a block of text.
- (Q)uit - Quit searching. You may also click in the window with
- the LEFT mouse button to abort the search.
- In order to search, and replace on 'end-of-line' characters, simply
- use the CTRL-J character in your search, and replace strings to denote
- 'end-of-line' characters. CTRL-J is equivalent to a binary value of 10;
- also known as a LINEFEED.
- The HUNT command can be used to repeat the last SEARCH, and/or REPLACE
- operation. When using the HUNT command, searches will skip the character
- under the cursor to avoid finding duplicate matches of a string.
- Section 12.0 FORMATTING TEXT
- =====================================================================
- The FORMAT tool under the "Tools" menu allows you to format a
- paragraph, or a marked block of text.
- If mark block mode is off, then FORMAT searches forward from the line
- on which the cursor resides for two (2) consecutive end of line characters.
- The following illustration may be helpful in better understand how the
- FORMAT tool works.
- Let's suppose the original piece of text looks like this:
- --------------------------------------------------------
- This is some text to demonstrate a point.
- This is some more text.
- This is how the text is evaluated by the FORMAT command:
- -------------------------------------------------------
- _________________________________Cursor position column 11.
- |
- | _______________________Wrapping will occur here.
- | |
- | | ___________________Right margin is 25.
- | | |
- | | | ___________Column 33 is > right margin.
- | | | |
- This is some text to demonstrate a point. - This line of text is terminated
- - by 2 end-of-line characters.
- This is some more text
- This is the result after using the FORMAT command:
- -------------------------------------------------
- This is some text to
- demonstrate a point.
- This is some more text.
- FORMAT will never insert, or delete any spaces. What it will do is
- replace spaces with end-of-line characters, and vice-versa in an attempt to
- cause the affected text to fit in the right margin setting with word-wrap.
- Section 13.0 INDENTING TEXT
- =====================================================================
- Programmers who work with block oriented languages frequently find
- themselves indenting sections of source code left, and right. Often this
- can mean manually deleting, and/or inserting spaces or tabs. QED provides
- a tool which allows you to easily indent a line, or a range of lines to the
- next left or right tab position.
- Under the "Tools" menu, you have the option of indenting the current
- line left, or right to the next tab stop, or indenting multiple lines. If
- you choose the INDENT MULTIPLE tool, you will be prompted with a message in
- the window's title bar such as:
- Indent? (R)ight (L)eft (S)kip ([) (]) (Q)uit
- You may respond using the upper, or lower case keys on the keyboard
- where (?) causes the following action to be taken:
- (R)ight - Indent line right, and move cursor to the next line.
- (L)eft - Indent line left, and move cursor to the next line.
- (S)kip - Skip the line, and move cursor to the next line.
- ([) - Indent line left, and don't move the cursor.
- (]) - Indent line right, and don't move the cursor.
- (Q)uit - Abort multiple indent utility. You may also click in the
- window with the LEFT mouse button to quit.
- The INDENT MULTIPLE tool is extremely useful when you wish to change the
- indent of a range of lines. Place the cursor at the top line of the range
- you want to change, and repeatedly use the (R), or (L) keys. You can also
- skip lines you dont want changed, and adjust each line individually using
- the ([), and (]) keys.
- =====================================================================
- QED allows you to assign any built in QED command, ARexx macro, and
- any DOS command to ANY key when pressed alone (including the FUNCTION
- keys), or to ANY key when pressed in conjunction with the CTRL, ALT, or
- SHIFT keys. In order to use this capability you will need the Registered
- User's Documentation.
- By default the ALT/keys are mapped to imitate the RIGHT AMIGA key menu
- alternatives listed in the pull-down menus. For those of you who are
- uncomfortable with using the RIGHT AMIGA key, you can use the LEFT, or
- RIGHT ALT key instead unless you reassign these keys.
- Even though there is no "NEW CLI" command in the pull-down menus, the
- CTRL/HELP key combination is by default mapped to open a new CLI window.
- If you own Brian Jackson's ACK terminal program for the Amiga, you can
- mark blocks of text to be sent to ACK via a message port just as if you had
- typed the text directly, or sent an ASCII file. In order to do this,
- simply mark a block of text that you want to send, and press CTRL "`".
- Remember that if this does not suit your taste, you can remap the keyboard
- as mentioned above. Only the Amiga makes it possible!
- Brian Jackson can be reached on GEnie: E-MAIL address "B.J."
- The ERASE function under the "Project" menu will clear, and reset the
- text editing buffer as described under section 10.0 above.
- The JOIN command under the "Edit" menu will join the line on which the
- cursor resides with the previous line. Joining lines can also be
- accomplished by back spacing over the previous end of line character as
- described under section 8.0 above.
- The MARK SPOT, and GOTO SPOT commands under the "Edit" menu can be
- used to mark spot, and quickly return to the same position later, however
- the spot may be lost when using the global replace capabilities, or if you
- delete the text corresponding to the marked spot.
- QED has a built-in keyboard repeat limiting feature which will only
- limit repeating key press messages if QED cannot keep up (e.g., during
- heavy multi-tasking, or when working with very large files). If you have
- ever used an Amiga program in which you inadvertently held down a repeating
- key such as the BACKSPACE key too long, and watched your last 10 minutes of
- work be erased, you will appreciate this feature.
- =====================================================================
- The "CMD LINE" command under the "Tools" menu causes the command line
- window to be opened (if its not already), and assigns the command line
- window to the text editing buffer from which this command was issued. As
- an alternative, you can use the ESC key. The command line mode allows you
- to enter commands, and execute/debug ARexx macros. Any command which can
- be performed using the pull-down menus, or keyboard can be accomplished
- from the command line mode, and much more...
- The command line mode allows you to perform all of the functions
- available in the pull-down menus, execute ARexx macros, and more. In order
- to use this capability you will need the Registered User's Documentation.
- The "RUN MACRO" command under the "Tools" menu will list, and allow you
- to execute all ARexx macros in your REXX: directory.
- =====================================================================
- QED is a text editor, so binary file editing is not fully supported,
- however you can open, display, edit, and save most of the binary character
- set other then binary 0, and binary 9 (TABS are currently converted to
- spaces). This capability should provide sufficient for those who would
- like to insert ANSI, or printer device control sequences in their files.
- QED utilizes your system font, and it is worth noting that AMIGA fonts
- generally do not contain character definitions for the complete binary
- character set 0-255. Most system fonts only have character imagery for
- binary 32-255, and possibly a smaller subset of characters. Undefined
- characters are displayed using a default image (generally a box).
- In order to compensate, QED will display the characters "A" through
- "_" in inverted imagery to represent binary 1-31.
- You can also enter these characters from the keyboard by holding down
- the CTRL key, and pressing the following keys on the keyboard:
- a = binary 1 q = binary 17
- b = binary 2 r = binary 18
- c = binary 3 s = binary 19
- d = binary 4 t = binary 20
- e = binary 5 u = binary 21
- f = binary 6 v = binary 22
- g = binary 7 w = binary 23
- h = binary 8 x = binary 24
- i = binary 9 (Hard tab) y = binary 25
- j = binary 10 (Line feed) z = binary 26
- k = binary 11 [ = binary 27
- l = binary 12 \ = binary 28
- m = binary 13 (Cairrage ret) ] = binary 29
- n = binary 14 ^ = binary 30 (CTRL SHIFTED 6)
- o = binary 15 _ = binary 31 (CTRL SHIFTED -)
- p = binary 16
- The above sequences rely on the standard operating system routines to
- decode the keyboard, however you can assign key values to any keyboard
- combination of your choice from the command mode. Of course you can also
- assign whole strings of text which may include binary control sequences to
- a key press combination.